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Poems volume 2


This is a selection of other poems I have written that aren't aimed at children. Check back for more to be added!

One for the Grown-ups
Change the World
My Tree
The Boy that holds the Moon Balloon

This Christmas
One Year

Poems which I have made into prints can be found via the links below.

As We Walk Together
Light up the Dark
Our Canvas Walls

One for the Grown-ups

There is mess everywhere – yes, everywhere. All over the floor.

On the worktop, the sofa; burned in my eyes for evermore.

Toys on the carpet and food on the chairs;

Clothing and books trailing all down the stairs.

I cleared it up yesterday and today again too;

I’ve got repetitive strain and severe deja vu.

And their rooms, don’t even go there. I’ll turn off the light.

It’s the Hallowe’en of groundhog days; a permanent fright.

So I’ll crawl through the day, just about hanging on,

Then I’ll clear up once more when bedtime has gone.

We can finally have dinner, a beer and some wine.

Then collapse into bed; it must be la…, oh, five past nine.

Change the World(2).png
Change the world
My Tree
Moon Balloon
This Christmas.png
This Christmas
One Year.png
One Year
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