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Values are the behaviours we choose to live and work by. They should be able to guide us in any event to adopt the right approach.


Children will be greatly influenced by the behaviour of role models, such as parents and teachers; therefore, if you want children to live specific values, they need to see them demonstrated!


I have compiled some actionable values that children might adopt, with a character for each one to make them more memorable and relatable for children. There may be more on this to follow at some point in the future, but you could do your own activity by encouraging children to come up with a rhyme or story about each character that relates to their corresponding value.


The list is certainly not exhaustive but it includes some of the most common values that children are expected to apply - feel free to add your own!


Remember to recognise and celebrate when children are living your desired values. Highlight what they did, which value it demonstrated and what impact or benefit it had, as this will help to reinforce the positive behaviour.

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